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Our People

Our people are dedicated conservationists with a deep reverence for nature.

Our People are Our Greatest Strength.

We cherish the habitat as much as we cherish the harvest. We get out of bed and wonder how can we make the world a better place. We strive for clean water, healthy forests and wildlife habitats, resilient communities and robust recreational opportunities. We work to ensure our natural resources and our outdoors lifestyle are around for future generations. We understand the intrinsic connection between conservation and hunting. We fight for laws that benefit all the above. We believe in Healthy Habitats equal Healthy Harvests.

forester drilling core sample from a tree

Our Staff

Our staff are strategically placed throughout the country, so we can deliver the NWTF mission on a coast-to-coast scale. Biologists, policy advocates, fundraisers, communicators, R3 coordinators and everywhere in between are working in synch with our volunteers, partners and government agencies to address critical conservation and hunting heritage needs. Our staff are a dedicated bunch, and when they are not wearing their work hats, they are often volunteering their time to continue to drive the NWTF mission.

The NWTF truly operates as a federation. All of our local and state chapters across the country are crucial for the overall health of the organization. Our volunteers and staff work hand-in-glove to make sure the NWTF mission is delivered effectively and on a scale that makes a difference.

Connect with Your State Chapter

The National Wild Turkey Federation has State Chapters across the county. Find out contact information for employees, learn more about the federation, make lasting relationships, find ways to volunteer, fundraise and get involved with conservation projects.


Map of United States of America with 1 data series.
End of interactive chart.
two adults standing at a conservation stewardship sign partially funded by the nwtf

Our Volunteers

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the NWTF and often wear many hats. A volunteer can be a hunting mentor, a community advocate, a member of a local chapter, a fundraiser or a board member, and often times, they are all.

Our volunteers all over the country dedicate their time and passion to further the NWTF mission and allow us to make an immense impact on the land. Our volunteers are our boots on the ground. They inform us of conservation and hunting heritage needs in their areas, so we can work in unison to address them. Simply put, our volunteers drive the NWTF. They get out of bed and wonder how can they make the land better than they found it, and then they do it.

NWTF Volunteer Impacts

These boots-on-the-ground individuals bring the NWTF mission to life in numerous ways.

New hunter and mentor at an nwtf event



Women in the Outdoors Event


Annual Events

NWTF volunteers working on a habitat project


Annual Volunteer Service Hours

Your Support Makes a Difference.