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Women in the Outdoors

Outreach opportunities for women who seek outdoor adventures or more quality time with family and friends.

adult female holding a shotgun while dove hunting

The Fastest Growing Outdoors Demographic

Prior to the implementation of Women in the Outdoors (WITO), the NWTF supported female-focused outdoor skills training programs through various other organizations. Seeing the demand for such activities for women, the NWTF expanded its outreach efforts to include a formal Women in the Outdoors program in 1998.

In the past decade, the number of women owning firearms and participating in target shooting and hunting has soared. According to Southwick Associates, women now make up more than a quarter of all anglers and represent the fastest growing segment within the hunting and shooting communities.

Women who seek outdoor adventures or more quality time with family and friends will find that connection through hundreds of Women in the Outdoors events hosted by NWTF chapters around the United States.

Events are affordable and offer outdoor activities such as archery, shotgunning and various introduction to hunting classes.

NWTF members receive a one year subscription to Turkey Call magazine, member benefits and more.

women fishing during an NWTF event
The Brandon Boss Gobbler Chapter of the SD NWTF conducted their WITO event near Garretson, South Dakota, on June 3, 2019. Participates went through gun safety, hands on with guns, paint ball and archery. As well as fishing and kayaking.

Women in the Outdoors Sponsors

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