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Wild Game Cuisine

Wild Turkey Thanksgiving Dinner Sliders

One of my favorite ways to eat Thanksgiving dinner is … after dinner. As in, a late-night feast after the main meal has gone down the hatch and I’ve submitted to a tryptophan slumber.

Josh Dahlke November 2, 20221 min read

This second meal usually consists of a lazy hodgepodge of leftovers that end up on a dinner roll. But who says you have to wait for this guilty pleasure? And why not do it with wild turkey?

This concoction incorporates some of the essentials of a classic American Thanksgiving dinner. Stovetop stuffing. Canned cranberry sauce. Dinner rolls. It’s a simple blend that came to fruition while I was lying in bed, plotting a fall turkey hunt, and considering how I could give my thanks to NWTF members for checking out my recipes.


4 - 6


  • 1 wild turkey breast
  • 1 box of Stovetop stuffing
  • Dinner rolls
  • 1 small can cranberry sauce (12-14 oz.)
  • Mayo
  • Potatoes
  • Sour cream
  • Fresh sage
  • Salt
  • Garlic powder
  • Butter


  1. Always start with a sharp knife. Manicure turkey breast to remove undesirable textures. 
  2. Boil potatoes and mash with butter, sour cream and salt. Keep warm.
  3. Prepare Stovetop stuffing according to directions on box.
  4. Grind turkey breast with a medium to coarse plate. Season with salt and garlic powder. Add fresh minced sage to taste. 
  5. Mix ground turkey and stuffing at a ratio of 3:1. The stuffing adds timeless Thanksgiving flavor and acts as a binder to keep meat from becoming too crumbly.
  6. Combine cranberry sauce with mayo and stir to preferred blend.
  7. Form small burger patties with turkey and fry in well-oiled skillet until done.
  8. Smear mashed potatoes on bottom half of a dinner roll, and cranberry mayo on top. Smash fried wild turkey burger in between buns.
  9. Optional: pair with sweet potato fries.