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Beau Brooks speaks at NWTF Convention, offering hunting tactics tips and tricks
Beau Brooks offers tips for calling in wild turkeys.
Press Releases

NWTF Convention Calling and Hunting Tactics Seminar with Beau Brooks

Beau Brooks, renowned wild turkey caller and call maker, offered a seminar at the 49th NWTF Convention and Sport Show, getting the crowd excited and giving advice to hunters.

February 14, 20251 min read

Brooks showcased his tactics by demonstrating goose calls, elk calls, crow calls and of course wild turkey calls. The crowd was mesmerized watching his ease of making hyper-realistic calls; he fluently speaks the language of wildlife.  

As he was practicing a hen call, he paused and said he could picture himself in the woods seeing exactly how wild turkeys respond to this exact call. Audience members, inspired by his knowledge and passion, asked questions about hunting in specific forests, at specific times of the day, for specific birds, and Brooks had a suggestion for every situation.  

He demonstrated how to do a box call while simultaneously responding with a mouth call, which has been a very successful way to draw in birds. But that success is often coupled with a lot of patience, Brooks added.  

Brooks demonstrates a turkey call
Brooks demonstrates a turkey call
Brooks demonstrates a turkey call

“Hmmmmmm,” Brooks said. “That’s the sound turkeys make when you’re close enough to them as they think about responding to your turkey call. I’m a nomadic hunter, always looking for new birds to hunt, but sometimes you just got to wait.”  

He brought his charisma and sense of humor to every scenario, engaging listeners who had all been in the same spot.  

Filed Under:
  • Convention and Sport Show
  • Hunting Heritage
  • Learn to Hunt