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Turkey Hunting

Mr. Fox Vest Mania

Those who follow the world of turkey hunting have become familiar with Mr. Fox Haas in the past few years, and they also have probably seen the anticipation and excitement behind the launch of his namesake vest from Mossy Oak.

Pete Muller February 16, 20233 min read

“The Mr. Fox Vest has been the most special project of our lifetime,” said Daniel Haas of Mossy Oak. “I am only 32 but there won’t be anything the rest of my life that tops this. The love we have for our papaw and the way the turkey hunting community has embraced him has been incredible.”

While the buzz was already there long before the official announcement for the legacy product, the allure grew with the announcement that the first opportunity for the general public to purchase one of these limited-release vests would be during the NWTF’s 50th anniversary celebration.

Photo courtesy of Mossy Oak.
Photo courtesy of Mossy Oak.

“There is not a bigger gathering of turkey hunters any time of the year other than the NWTF Show,” said Daniel Haas. “With what the NWTF means to Mossy Oak, we had to make sure this vest was available here first.”

While Convention and Sport Show registration didn’t open until 7 a.m. on Thursday morning – and the exhibit hall until 11 a.m. – hunters eager to buy the vest already were lining up the night before.

Photo courtesy of Mossy Oak.
Photo courtesy of Mossy Oak.

“It’s incredibly humbling, and it’s hard to find the word to describe the feeling,” said Neill Haas of Mossy Oak, in regard to seeing the crowd. “We knew people were pretty excited about the vest, but when you see all those people waiting all night and sleeping on the ground, it really puts things into perspective.”

At 7 a.m., when the show floor opened, attendees in line were handed a numbered card 1-200 that could be used to purchase the coveted vest later that morning when the show floor opened.

Scott Marrow, of Birmingham, Alabama, was the recipient of ticket number 200 for Thursday’s sale.

Neill Haas (left) and Scott Marrow.
Neill Haas (left) and Scott Marrow.

“What drew me to the Mr. Fox Vest is its heritage and vintage look, and I am a big believer in the Mossy Oak brand,” said Marrow. “I always wanted a Bob Dixon Vest, and this just resembles it in every step of the way. So, I am very happy to be able to get one.”

NWTF Convention and Sport Show attendees will be able to get another chance to purchase the vest on Friday, February 17, when Mossy Oak makes vests 401-600 available.

The remaining numbered vest will go on sale on March 11, 2023 at the Mossy Oak Store in West Point, Mississippi.

“He has become a symbol of all the good that generation of turkey hunter stands for,” said Daniel Haas. “That generation is the reason we had turkeys in the first place, and they carried it through their years long enough for the NWTF to take over and give us all the turkeys we have now.”


Mr. Fox’s obsession for chasing and conserving wild turkeys began early on in his life. The first turkey Mr. Fox called up and killed was in the heart of an Alabama River swamp on a spring day in 1944. Ever since that day, Mr. Fox has been obsessed with wild turkeys. He grew to learn and understand the struggles that they would inevitably face, and that it would be up to us as gamekeepers to ensure the survival of the wild turkey population in America.

Mr. Fox once said “The good that men do will live long after they are gone” and he epitomizes those words every day of his life. The Fox Vest is more than just a turkey vest, its meaning is much deeper. This vest symbolizes what it truly means to be a gamekeeper. It is a symbol of giving back to the resource more than we take. It is a symbol of hope, that by following the example that Mr. Fox and people like him have set, wild turkeys will thrive for generations to come.So, when you’re out in the woods wearing your Fox Vest, remember what it stands for. When you’re breaking daylight to the sound of gobbles ringing through a bottomland swamp, feeling the sound of an old gobbler drumming just out of range or squeezing the trigger of your granddad’s shotgun with shaky hands and short breath, wear your Fox Vest with pride and remember that what you are wearing is more than just a vest, it’s a way of life