Recognizing the importance of fostering connection and inclusivity, the NWTF introduced the Women’s Only Brunch at this year’s convention, a dedicated space for female hunters, conservationists and those eager to break into the sport. This event offers an opportunity for women to find mentorship, support and empowerment while strengthening their ties to the broader hunting community.
"Bringing together women passionate about conservation from all across the nation to meet, share stories and celebrate each of their unique roles in the outdoors was most definitely a highlight of the convention," said Morgan Evans, national R3 and relevancy coordinator. "Even with this being the first year of the event, we quickly saw relationships building and plans being made for how to grow and develop this opportunity in the years to come."
Getting started in hunting can be daunting, and not everyone has equal access to the tools, knowledge or opportunities needed to begin their journey. Many experienced hunters know the feeling of becoming hooked once they start, but taking that first step can be challenging without guidance and encouragement. That’s why it’s essential to create safe, welcoming spaces where newcomers can learn, ask questions and build confidence in their skills.
Women are the fastest-growing demographic in hunting and shooting sports, yet retention rates among female hunters remain a challenge. With an overall national decline in hunter participation, it is more important than ever to support women in their journey, ensuring that their passion for the outdoors becomes a lifelong commitment — one they will pass down to future generations.
The NWTF Convention and Sport Show serves as a powerful platform for building community. Women from all walks of life come together to celebrate their achievements, share their experiences and inspire one another. Many have found empowerment, mentorship and lasting friendships through NWTF programs and the annual gathering.
Through R3 (Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation) initiatives and programs like Women in the Outdoors (WITO), the NWTF strives to provide women with opportunities to explore outdoor activities in a supportive environment. These programs offer hands-on learning experiences, skill-building workshops, and a network of like-minded individuals who encourage one another to grow in their outdoor pursuits. By supporting women in hunting, we are ensuring the longevity of the tradition, strengthening conservation efforts and paving the way for future generations of hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.