Tim Murdock is a brother of the turkey woods who sees a God that provides him with each sacred spring.
Every season’s sounds and smells are more intensified than before. Besides just hearing the gobble, Murdock knows the aroma of autumn olive and enjoys the acoustics of the red belly woodpecker. Though his vision betrayed him years ago, his wits have strengthened. Murdock uses that to impact others in ways that defy his loss of sight – he is legally blind from optic disc pits that resulted in glaucoma. Several corrective surgeries have failed.
Murdock said he trusts when one door closes, a higher power allows another to open. He does not want to be remembered as the guy who was good on a box call and sounded like a real hen turkey in the southern West Virginia mountains. He is that guy, still – when he is not running a call, he is talking turkey, drinking a diet Dr. Pepper and eating a Slim Jim.
Most will associate Murdock to his turkey calling, but there is much more to see about him, even if he can’t. His influence on others is as miraculous as him harvesting gobblers without eyesight. The Mountaineer is known for a lot of reasons, but no matter how you slice it, it won’t be just for his ability to make turkey music.
From call makers, fellow turkey hunters, family and friends, Murdock’s presence, his outlook and his personality impact many. Consistently tagging turkeys each spring with an 870 loaded with TSS, his trusty Remington accommodates his needs to a point. Murdock is guided by a fellow hunter who helps line up the shot – a tap on the left or right shoulder signals for him to move the gun barrel slightly in that direction. More impressive though is Murdock’s extraordinary ability to strengthen individuals around him.
A mountain of a man pursuing wild turkeys in his beloved leafy top Mossy Oak, he moves through terrain across the United States with some help, but his woodsmanship is intact. He has placed his hand on others’ shoulders walking behind them, but in reality, Murdock has put his hand on so many leading them in even a greater way.
Murdock is known for his unorthodox approach to running turkey calls and helping call builders tweak out every bit of lifelike turkey sounds a call potentially has. Some turkey calls have more life in them than others. Murdock is like those unique calls. Every person I spoke to about him felt blessed and grateful to know him. The friendships, relationships and faith that have been built from turkey calls, turkey hunting and calling contests are as majestic as the sounds he produces. Our eyes allow us to see something that fills our souls from watching him.
Nathan Taylor describes Murdock as a musician. He shared how Murdock’s loss of eyesight has given him an ability to hear and sense differently. Murdock’s gift to call and hunt wild turkeys is “so in time,” Taylor said. He refers to Murdock as the big brother he never had growing up, “Tim is my therapy,” he said. “Such a good man of God and great person to have as a mentor.” But it’s Taylor who is often Murdock’s guide, over his shoulder as a gobbler approaches the decoys. Taylor uses a cell phone attached to the scope to view the crosshairs while giving Murdock direction.
Taylor said he believes that Murdock can give advice that others can’t, whether it be life advice or related to calling turkeys. Murdock’s affliction has become a blessing to others. Taylor said his friend helped him understand how anyone can adapt and adjust to life no matter their circumstance.
“Don’t be hesitant to help someone with a disability,” Taylor said. “Overcome your fear to help. Don’t be surprised if they end up helping you more than you help them. That’s what happened to me.”
The legendary Marlin Watkins has watched Murdock improve over the years and knows he is eaten up when it comes to anything turkey. Watkins admits to taking advantage of Murdock’s ear for call tuning.
“It’s good for him and good for me,” he said.
Watkins noted that many friendships and relationships start with turkey calls but evolve far beyond just that. Watkins also recognizes Murdock’s heightened sense of hearing turkey sounds due to losing one sense while others grew stronger. He said he is amazed how Murdock has a million things against him when he competes in calling competitions, but Watkins just shakes his head and admires him. He describes Murdock as a humble, proud, God-fearing friend who has neither ego nor arrogance.
“It would have destroyed a lot of people but didn’t destroy Tim,” Watkins said.
Murdock competed in the NWTF Grand National Calling Championships Friction and Team Air and Friction divisions last year in Nashville, and has again qualified for the Super Bowl of turkey calling in 2025. He placed second in the West Virginia State Friction Division behind the contest’s Friction Division champion, Phillip Bryant, to qualify among the nation’s best.
Shane Martinez is yet another friend astonished with Murdock’s ability to run a turkey call and his capacity to adapt to calling contests, hunting and life, while inspiring others. Martinez said he believes only an omnipotent God could provide the right individual at the right time in the right place, and for him, Murdock was that. To this day, Martinez said some of his most memorable hunts consist of being with Murdock, a man who has allowed others to see the woods and the world differently despite his own shortcoming.
“I am just amazed by Tim Murdock,” Martinez added.
Murdock practices turkey calls 350 days a year for a few hours per day. Any wife that tolerates that deserves to be recognized. Lisa Murdock is more than just a wife, though. She helps him put his faith and family first. It’s obvious Tim Murdock looks forward to his days ahead, not just calling and hunting, but being Poppa T and spending time afield with his family. Tim Murdock demonstrates the importance of staying positive and humble, helping others despite his barriers and uniting all he encounters.
Turkey hunters are a special group that puts aside race, gender, age, education, location, wealth, disabilities, and a multitude of other factors, to come together and appreciate the resources so many take for granted. Tim Murdock embodies that sentiment because he sees none of it and accepts all.
Many individuals from the “turkey world” have come together because of the wild turkey and NWTF members like Tim Murdock. He has made the turkey hunting and calling community stronger, opening the eyes of those around him to have a greater appreciation of what we have.