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Catalyzing for Conservation: Industry Leaders Gather for the Common Good During NWTF Convention

As thousands lined up, sharing hunting stories and preparing for the opening up for the NWTF’s sport show, NWTF co-CEOs were also bringing together state and federal agency leaders, conservation-minded corporate partners, non-profit leaders, NWTF National Board of Directors and other industry pioneers for an inspirational gathering to share the life-changing power of the outdoors.

February 13, 20251 min read

The ”CEO Meeting” has been a staple at the NWTF show; leaders look forward to their time not only to discuss solutions to build social acceptance for hunting and habitat management, but they cherish the opportunity to share their personal passion for our nation’s natural resources and discuss ways of how we can work together to ensure future generations experience the power of nature.  

NWTF co-CEO Kurt Dyroff shakes hands with partners.

 “We greatly appreciate our partners that enthusiastically join us to move the mission needle forward,” NWTF co-CEO Kurt Dyroff said. “It is powerful to have our federal and state agency leaders, our corporate partners, non-profits and so many ancillary partners with diverse backgrounds represented. We have energized this group to create something great.”  

NWTF leadership and agency leadership dicuss how to move the mission needle forward.

In the past, members of the CEO meeting have often said, “We need to get together more than once a year.” 

Inspired by the desire to meet more often, NWTF co-CEOs created an additional meeting last year in September in Washinton D.C. This meeting was specifically focused on ways to build social license and general public support for active habitat management, natural resource conservation and hunting.   

The meeting in Nashville this year was a continuation of the D.C. meeting. The catalyst for it all, the NWTF’s vision statement: A nation united by the life-changing power of the outdoors. 

Leaders workshopped for multiple hours, discussing ways to bring together hunters, people from different backgrounds and demographics and how the outdoors and our nation’s natural resources have the power to unite us all. 

Having non-profits, corporate, and agency partners is a new paradigm, and attendees were inspired.  

As put simply in the meeting: When it is about the resource and nature first, then you cannot go wrong. 

Filed Under:
  • Convention and Sport Show
  • Healthy Habitats
  • Healthy Harvests
  • Hunting Heritage