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About Wild Turkeys

Brooks Shares Expertise on Western Turkey Hunting and Calling

Beau Brooks, a renowned hunter, professional caller, hunting guide and wildlife photographer, captivated attendees at the NWTF Convention and Sport Show on Friday afternoon with his insightful seminar on western turkey hunting. Brooks, a Washington native with a family deeply rooted in the hunting tradition, shared his passion for the hunting lifestyle and offered valuable advice on hunting Merriam's turkeys in the western states.

February 16, 20242 min read

Brooks emphasized the challenges and rewards of Western turkey hunting, highlighting the distinct characteristics of Merriam's turkeys compared to their Eastern counterparts.

The best place to start is private lands, he said. Snowfall in the western states plays a significant role in the behavior of Merriam's turkeys, as it triggers their migration from mountainous areas to lower elevations. During this migration, large flocks of turkeys—numbering between 200 and 300 birds, congregate in agricultural fields on private lands. Recognizing the potential damage caused by these groups of turkeys, many landowners are open to allowing hunters to harvest a portion of the flock to mitigate the impact on their lands.

Brooks also shared strategies for effectively tracking the migration of Merriam's turkeys with changing weather conditions. He advised hunters to follow the snowline during the spring thaw and use the terrain to their advantage, as turkeys tend to move along this line up the mountain.

Interacting with the audience, Brooks addressed a variety of questions before finally delving into what the crowd had eagerly awaited—demonstrations of his calling.

He showcased a range of calls that he has found are most effective in locating Merriam’s. His suggestion was to employ a loud raven call, capable of reaching into the valleys. Furthermore, he showcased his great horned owl call, recommended for use in the western regions as opposed to the traditional barred owl call commonly used by hunters in the east.

Concluding the seminar, Brooks entertained the audience with his repertoire of calls, with many highlights including elk, goose, wood duck, coyote and more.

“It was an incredible time. I’ve been working with the NWTF for 10 years now, and it’s changed my life,” said Brooks. “I would do anything for the NWTF, this is the best group of people out there.”

Attendees of the NWTF Convention and Sport Show are encouraged to visit Beau Brooks at booth #1025 to explore his latest offerings of calls from Riven and learn more about his hunting adventures.

Filed Under:
  • Convention and Sport Show
  • Hunting Heritage
  • Learn to Hunt